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Social Studies Resources

Social Studies Resources

Here are some links to curriculum resources and information for social studies teachers. Please take some time to explore the various links to the resources. If you have other helpful links you would like to see added to this page, please contact us.

ODE’s Social Studies Page

This page contains links to the model curriculum resources aligned to Ohio’s Learning Standards for social studies. This page contains specific links to the grade specific social studies model curricula.

2018 Revised SS Standards Documents

Enhanced Model Curricula

The following links are documents created by the Summit County ESC which are enhanced versions of the social studies model curricula. These documents provide great insights into the various grade level content statements and instructional resources for the various grade levels. The high school course documents combine the model curriculum and test specs.

Teaching American History Lessons

This page contains links to several lessons for grades 4, 5, 8 and HS in American History. Many of the lessons are aligned to the content statements of the Ohio SS standards.

Annenberg Interactives

This is a collection of social studies interactive activities. Explore the numerous resources at this site.

Social Studies Resource Page

This page has several resources and links to pages that contain many helpful resources. The links below are direct links to grade level pages. Click the grade you would like to explore.