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Instructional Resources

Instructional Resources

Dave Shellhaas
MRESC Content Specialist



Instructional Resources

Simulations and Virtual Labs

Concord Consortia

This is a great site with interactive, inquiry based activities which prepare students for the Next Generation Science Assessments here in Ohio.  You can filter the activities by grade and subject to narrow the topics you are looking for.

PhET Interactive Simulations

This site contain many interactive simulations that students can engage in and manipulate.  Many allow students to explore concepts and do investigations that would be difficult or impossible to do in the actual classroom.

Virtual Labs by Glencoe

This is a great collection of virtual labs and activities that are classified by domains.

Go Lab

This is a great site of free virtual labs, experiments and data sets.

SAS Curriculum Pathways Virtual Bio Labs

This free resource has multiple resources to support sound science instruction.  Explore and check out the numerous FREE resources.


Interactives for Grades 3-6

This site contains interactive activities that address many topics and concepts.  The site is from Utah, so the topics may be in different grade levels than Ohio.

Interactive Activities

This site has links to several virtual activities that are powerful interactive tools to incorporate into your classroom instruction.

HHMI Biointeractives

This site has some great free instructional and interactive resources.


Great site for students to create a variety of graphs online and then print or save graphs.

Science Lesson Sites

PBS Learning Media

The PBS site has several multimedia lessons and resources that can be useful to teach many science topics.  You need to click the “Browse by Subject and Grade” tab to select the grade and subject you want to search.

Science Netlinks

This national site is a collection of high quality science lessons for grades K-12.  Because it is aligned nationally, you may need to check the lesson alignment with Ohio standards.  Use the filtering system to narrow your search for the concept you are looking for.

K-6 Grade Level Science Lessons

This lesson collection is from Utah, so again the alignment must be checked to Ohio standards.  The lessons are very well done and include all of the support necessary to do the lessons.

Secondary Science Lessons

This lesson collection is from Utah, so again the alignment must be checked to Ohio standards.  The lessons are very well done and include all of the support necessary to do the lessons.

Better Science Lessons

This site has great science lessons that are put into effective learning progressions and are very instructionally sound.

Other Science Resources

Columbus City Schools Resources

Columbus City Schools has some great resources that can help science teachers to plan and prepare their instruction. Click the grade level link to the right side of the window to view specific  instructional resources.  To view specific Science assessment resources from Columbus City Schools, CLICK HERE.

NGSS Sample Science Lessons and Units

This site highlights sample science lessons and units for teachers to view and use.